Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Kat-Net Part 2: Prototype Software

Prototype Software

I have made a collection of various software systems which may be necessary or helpful to the project:


This is an open source router firmware package which allows a very deep level of control. Not only does it provide many benefits, but it also is necessary for many of the other software as it is essentially the Operating System on which they are designed to run. Conveniently it is pre-installed on the GL-X750.


This package provides a captive portal / splash page system. It will serve as the stsrting point for when a user connects and send them to the login (or payment etc.) system.


This provides username/password functionality for logging in through the splash page.

Luci-app-nft-qos and nft-qos

This package provides a system for bandwith speed-limit and data cap control. This is ideal as a system to limit these things will need to be part of the purchase plan.

Custom Backend

More than any other part of this project, this part is very much unkown. Ideally this system will be passed information from NoDogSplash, provide a PayPal payment portal and return authorization data on what user, MAC address, IP address, time limit, bandwidth limit and data cap the user has been authorized for. or or

These services provide a pre-baked back end. They would work fine, but they charge a commission on the hotspot prices. Plan is to roll our own system to accept Paypal payments and authorize users as detailed above.

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